Through Chiropractic, Massage, Rehabilitation, Acupuncture, and Nutrition we provide ways for our patients to succeed and optimize their health, allowing them to stay active and vibrant. At ChiroSport, we don't treat problems; we treat people and their active lifestyles.
Chirosport of Sioux Falls
Office: 605-334-6656
Fax: 605-271-7616
6705 South Cliff Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Dr. Ross McDaniel- Chiropractor
Dr. Jason Henry - Chiropractor
Dr. Chris Mikkelsen - Chiropractor
Joni Faber- Chiropractic Assistant
Baily Kramer - Chiropractic Assistant
Brittany Drey - Chiropractic Assistant
Heather Melvin - Chiropractic Assistant
Mckynze Hansen - Chiropractic Assistant
Kelly Mayo - Massage Therapist
Andy Craig - Massage Therapist
Sherry Haas - Massage Therapist